No emails through spam-friendly host

Do you have email addresses on hosts which do not enforce any UBE/UCE filtering such as RBL/RSS/DUL? Do you want to check that your email did not visit any spam-friendly host?



How to use

You need to set up your .procmailrc and have procmail to be run on each incoming messages, see Procmail FAQ for details. I have a small and stupid script to do it partly automaticly.


Relevant parts of my .procmailrc looks like below:

YEARMON=`date +%Y-%m`

* !? $HOME/bin/chk_mail-abuse
  :0 fhbw
  | formail -A "X-UBE: RBL/RSS/DUL" 


* !? $HOME/bin/chk_orbs
  :0 fhbw
  | formail -A "X-UBE: ORBS" 


At first some parameters are set up, such as logging. Then each message is check for RBL/RSS/DUL lists. If there is a match, then extra X-UBE: header is included in message. Then a message is stored to proper folder. This is partly redundant as if we just want to store possible spam to different folder, we do not have to add additional header. In that case the rule is something like:

* !? $HOME/bin/chk_mail-abuse

If we just want to mark spam (for example our mail program does not support multible inboxes), we remove last part of rule like:

* !? $HOME/bin/chk_mail-abuse
  :0 fhbw
  | formail -A "X-UBE: RBL/RSS/DUL" 

Note that those rules assume that you have saved the suplied scripts to bin directory under your home directory. If they are in different location, change path accordingly. Remember to set up executable bit, on most systems with command chmod +x chk_mail-abuse chk_orbs

Why not check RBL/RSS/DUL and ORBS at same time

Based on my experience, the ORBS gives way too many false positives. I think I have quite good system that most of spam is cleaned up by RBL/RSS/DUL and ORBS collects rests.



Following figures are statistics from duration of week. Only few spams (about five) get into my not-for-me or not-known-sender folder.


Note that this comparision is not fair, as RBL/RSS/DUL traps most of spams and ORBS only the leftovers, so maybe it should be 40/7 for ORBS.

Warranty and Feedback

The package is provided as-is without warranty for any use provided that copyright information of original author is maintained. If you like, dislike or improve package, let me know.

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